Friday, August 20, 2010

The Golden Cricut

Well I did it. I got the Golden Cricut. Only 12 of them were made. I would like to thank my wonderful hubby Steve for buying me over 130 cartridges so that I could get enough points for the Golden Cricut. He even bought me 24 of the lites at $39 a pop in 3 weeks (you do the math). He also surprised me with admission to the Cricut Circle to seal the deal for my extra points. I would also like to thank my children for being so sweet and not rubbing it in to badly how selfish I was about buying all the carts. My girls think I need serious help. I am in the 12 x 12 program.

I felt just like Charlie and the golden ticket. I can't tell you how shinny and pretty she is. Her cartridges are even gold. I still can't believe I have one. Thanx family for being so supportive of my addiction. We can buy some groceries now. Lov mom

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