Thursday, September 16, 2010

Baby Bunnies

Only my Stevie would think of this. So Daddy comes in and says, "Stevie tell your mom."

Stevie "Well Lily isn't pregnant." (Our bunny)

MOM "What!!!!"

Stevie "Well every time you and Daddy have been gone to bowling on Tuesday and Wednesday
nights I have been taking Lily across the street to my friends who has a male bunny so
she could get pregnant."

MOM "What!!, STEVIE!! "

Stevie insert uncontrollable laughing here for the next 5 minutes.

You never know what your kids are up to. I got some great kids.


  1. You have to admit - Lily would make some cute bunnies.

  2. Adorable!
    Followed, would really mean a lot if you followed back! :) xxx
