Monday, February 20, 2012

My daughters soul

Our daughter Sydney made this beautiful Plumeria Lei

it contains over 35,000 beads and is 31 inches long. We are so proud of her. She worked so long and hard on it and it is based on a flower she designed herself. Sydney has one of the most kindest, caring and beautiful souls which you can see and feel through the aura of this lei. I think a part of Hawaii's spirt and love is in her soul and heart. It is so hard to talk about all the inner beauty of her without crying a bit. We are truly blessed

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Happy Valentines Started here.

This is a picture of my grandparents in the early 1920s. My gramma is one of my heros next to my hubby. Her name was Pauline and she had 7 children and was married at a young age. She was a mom during the depression and the way our lives have changed since hubby fell and shattered his back and we closed our business and money is tight, makes me think how easy I have it compared to her trying to feed her children in a time of a depression with no government aid and a husband who was not always home but long haul trucking. She taught me to scrapbook when I was very little and I remember spending many a night at her home. I had my own little drawer at her house with crayolas, markers, glue, scissors and tape. Tape was a big thing to a 6 year old. I still have the scrapbooks we made together. They have clippings of babies, dogs, cats and purses, and tons of glue, it is funny how my scrapbooks back then are like my life today. Scrapbooking is very personal and emotional for me, it reminds me of times past and I have a hard time finishing pages because that time is past and I can't get it back, and I then have to face it that those times are past, even though I have memories with the ones I love, it still is gone. A little sappy sounding huh.

I miss my grandparents so much. I feel blessed they met and had many lovely Valentines together to bring me to where I am today.
The layout was a kit designed by a great friend Lisa Hall

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bandit is on a cake.

Sydney and Chris put Bandits picture on a cake. Sydney mother-in-law aka my sister bought a printer to print out edible ink to print on sugar paper and the Syd and Chris were goofing around and put Bandit on a cake. Maddie keep saying she is gonna turn them into PETA for eating cats. I wanted one of these printers a few years ago and wasn't quite sure about them now I really want them. Why do big sisters always have the cool toys. LOL

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Stevie's Senior Project

Stevie got her senior project done. She pulled it off at the last minute. She does some amazing work at crunch time. She did a awesome job on her project, the kicker is she doesn't even like coffee. Nice work Lu